Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare hereditary condition resulting from the mutations in the SERPINA1 (serine protease inhibitor) gene and is characterized by low circulating levels of the alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) protein. The traditional algorithm for laboratory testing of AATD involves the analysis of AAT concentrations (nephelometry), phenotyping (isoelectric focusing, IEF), and genotyping (polymerase chain reaction, PCR).
For IEF the ampholyte HR 4.2-4.9 is required. Did you know that Isogen Life Science is the only provider for this ampholyte?
If you are struggling with your assays and need customised ampholytes, we can help you with this request. Let us work together.
Both HR and SH CEInfinite AESlytes are good for iCIEF of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (see below figure), fusion proteins, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), dairy proteins, meat proteins and seed proteins.
CEInfinite AESlytes have demonstrated superior focusing and low UV noise. The below figure illustrated focusing of 6 pI markers with CEInfinite AESlyte SH pH 4-8 and pH 3-7 from another vendor. Much higher baseline noise was observed from the electropherogram with CAs from the other vendor.
Furthermore the pI 5.85 did not complete focusing with CAs from the other vendor under the same experimental conditions.
The CEInfinite Preparative instrument allows you also to perform offline iCIEF-MS by High Yield Fractionation besides fast protein profiling. The collected fractions can be further analysed for bio and cellular assays (such as SPR, ELISA, Potency, Peptide mapping and more). Furthermore it allows you to perform online icIEF-MS for fast identification of the PTMs, DARs, (im)purities and/or mass confirmation.
+31 30 6880771
Veldzigt 2A
3454 PW De Meern