Fluorometry, Spectroscopy and Chromatography


Spectrophotometers use light to identify, quantify and qualify molecular properties of samples. We offer a wide variety on spectrophotometers from 199 up to 1100 nm. 

A solution for all your (advanced) applications in spectroscopy.If you are in need of more advanced systems on UV-VIS (NIR), FT-IR, Fluorescence, RAMAN, Circular Dichroism spectrometry or Polarimetry visit the Jasco site or contact our JASCO Benelux solutions specialists.


GENESYS Vis/UV-Vis Spectrophotometers

From Thermo Fisher Scientific™

From industrial QC laboratories, R&D, research and Life Science applications labs. Everyone needs at least one (UV) VIS spectrophotometer on his lab.


With our Genesys Spectrophotometers, you make sure the instrument is:

  • Robust 
  • Ease-of-use
  • Software capabilities
  • Temperature control
  • Higher Throughput

If this is for routine measurements or to discovery of the next breakthrough innovation, the Genesys spectrophotometers are designed to meet the needs of today's modern lab.

You can easily select your own Genesis photometer:

Genesys 50 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

The Genesys 50 is a dual beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer in a singe-cell configuration. It has the specifications to perform critical quality control applications and precise chemical measurements. It has a resolution from 0.2 nm to 5.0 nm and a wavelength range from 190-1100 nm.

Genesys 50 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
  • Easy-to-use local control for fast and reliable analysis
  • 7-inch touch screen
  • Scanning and kinetics functions
  • Large sample compartment - up to 100 mm cuvettes
  • Vision Lite software compatible

Ask your questions or request a quote.

Optional Beercraft software

BeerCraft™ Software: Ensure Batch to Batch consistency

We made it simple, so you can get answers faster without complicated calculations. Analyse over twenty applications for beer at the touch of a button; methods are pre-programmed for quick and easy measurements. For Genesys 50 and 150.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us or read more about it! 

Download the brochure

BeerCraft™ Software

Genesys 150 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

The Genesys 150 is room-light resistance, which allows for lid open operations, taht increase speed and convenience. Ideal for for example routine industrial QA/QC or R&D departments.


  • 4 or 8 cell changer compatible (changer is optional)
  • Sipper accessories
  • Peltier thermostatted single cell holder (optional)
  • Fiber optic probes

Ask your questions or request a quote

Genesys 150 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Biomate 160 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

The Biomate 160 has pre-programmed methods for nucleic acid and protein concentration, but also assay methods for cell culture measurements. Nucleic Acid A260; Protein A280 and A205; Protein Colorimetric assays and OD600.

  • Room-light resistance for open lid operations
  • Removable, washable sample compartment liner with magnetic placement and hold-down
  • 4-8-position cell charger (optional)
  • Peltier-thermostatted single cell holder
  • Sipper accessory

Genesys 180 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

This spectrophotometer provides a double beam operation. This is perfect for laboratories that require a reference cell position for applications like kinetics. 

  • accomodates cells up to 100 mm pathlength
  • 8-position cell changer with switchable turret
  • Onboard methods, reporting and data export


Colour and colour change (e.g. enzymatic reactions) are key aspects of manufacturing and scientific analysis. The Ultrospec 35c reads at select common wavelengths in the visible spectrum. By putting a value to the colour intensity, we can very simply quantify our sample.

Ultrospec 35c

  • Wavelength range: Visible/LED detector 440-620nm.LED lights are long-life, and energy efficient, and they don't produce any degradation over time. 
  • Touch-screen and light-weight.
  • Main application: Colour testing, safety testing, quality control, monitoring, and basic protein quantification in Industrial manufacturing, Teaching, Chemistry, Microbiology, Food + Beverage. and water testing
  • Accessories: None needed.

It runs on a battery, so there is no need to keep the system plugged in. It's ideal for environmental research.


Cell Density Meter

Measuring the amount of bacteria or yeast in a solution – and their change over time. for Bacteriology and/or Yeast Fermentation studies. These systems read 600nm and measure the change in opacity over the samples. Bacterial cultures grow and become more dense, and therefore, the solution becomes cloudier. 

colorimeter to analyse bacterial

Ultrospec 30

  • Lower cost: a system for an application - OD600. The system can build and save your standard curves for better accuracy and reliability of your samples. 
  • Wavelength range: 600nm
  • Main applications: Microbial growth rate, plasmid cloning, fermentation, contamination studies in the Life Science, Teaching, Chemistry, Microbiology, Food + Beverage fields. 
  • Accessories: None needed.

⭐ Customer reviews

Customer review

Robust HPLC System

Delighted to see the robust JASCO GPC systems aiding us to push the boundaries of polymer chemistry 

"Currently, we use the JASCO HPLC system mainly for QC of polymers and polymer modification strategies. The Jasco HPLC-GPC instrument is therefore a vital component in the development of advanced polymer-based nanomedicine.

Positive points of the system are its robustness, the great customer support (at least for installation and acquisition), and the modularity of the system (additional modules can always be purchased separately).

I am delighted to see the robust JASCO GPC systems aiding us to push the boundaries of polymer chemistry, thus playing a vital role in the development of the next-generation nanomedicines."

Customer review

Straightforward and robust HPLC System

"I’m currently working on new methods to obtain enantiopure materials involving crystallization processes. Therefore, I used HPLC daily and it is a key piece of equipment that allows to verify if I managed to isolate one enantiomer.

I’m extremely happy with the machine which is very straightforward and robust. The system can also be easily taken apart, allowing to tune it and use some part independently to suits your own experiment.

Another great point of this machine is the technical support and communication around it, the technicians as well as the CEO are very knowledgeable and willing to kindly guide to use it, fix it and give advice. I highly recommend the machine itself as well as the provider.


Illuminate Precision: EzCube Fluorometer

Illuminating Precision with Triple Fluorescent channels

EzCube Fluorometer, featuring three selectable fluorescent channels, offers high-sensitivity and specific quantification of nucleic acids and proteins. It accurately measures low concentration samples with just 1 μl, making it ideal for demanding
applications, including NGS.

We offer kits for your quantification assays (Compatible with Qbit read out!)

fluorometer for accuracy DNA RNA measurements


  • Enhanced Accuracy and Sensitivity: Quantifies low concentration of DNA, RNA and proteins with just 1 µl in seconds
  • Export your data easily! USCB or Wi-Fi access
  • Choose 2 or 3 fluroescent channels depending on your needs: Blue LED (max ~480 nm), Red LED (max ~630 nm) and Green LED (max ~535 nm) 
  • Easy to use! 
  • High compatibility with quantification assays

Kits for dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA

  • Just 1 µL sample needed
  • High sensitivity and linearity (down to 10 pg/µL)
  • Accurate data: High contaminant tolerance
  • Universal compatibility with fluorometers

quantification assay kits for your dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA

Request a quotation

Request a quotation for your selection of laboratory instruments, reagents, kits or consumables. We will get back to you via mail or phone in no more than 24 hours. Promised!

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Contact information

+31 30 6880771

Our office

Veldzigt 2A
3454 PW De Meern

ISOgen office