Easy and Sensitive Quantification studies in Plate reading
In this edition of our plate reading newsletter, we provide you with news focussed on quantification studies of DNA, cytokines and IgG's. Our newest product ValitaTiter, makes IgG quantification easier than ever.

Scientific Talk
Cell Signaling Immunoassays
Homogeneous immunoassays enable easy, rapid, sensitive and robust quantification of endogenous proteins in either cell lysates or supernatants
Blog Post
Optimise Fluorescence Gain
Although the concept of fluorescence gain has always been hard to grasp, it is a make-or-break parameter in microplate reading. In fact, incorrectly selected gain settings can lead either to saturation or to bad quality data.
Application Notes
IgG quantification
Fluorescence Polarization based assay for rapid, precise, high-throughput measurement of IgG & Fc containing derivatives by using ValitaTMTITER assay
Compatible with the CLARIOstar,PHERAstar, FLUOstar

DNA quantification
DNA quantification using absorbance (A260) and fluorescent methods (Qubit™ and Quant-iT™/Pico-Green).
Compatible with the CLARIOstar,PHERAstar, FLUOstar
Cytokine quantification
Excellent assay performance of THUNDER™ TR-FRET cell-based cytokine assays performed on the PHERAstar FSX.
Compatible with the CLARIOstar,PHERAstar

Fast and Cost-Efficient IgG Quantification
ValitaTiter: The fastest IgG test and compatible with all plate readers with a Fluorescence Polarisation module.
- Pre-coated plates with probes
- Add, Mix, Read
- No sample preparation
- Results <10 minutes
Contact us for more information or read the brochure