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Precise DNA Detection with our Microplate Readers

Plate reading more affordable than ever

Flexible microplate reader with simplified workflows for all plate formats up to 384 wells

  • No gain or focus adjustment required thanks to the EDR technology.monochromator plate reader, perfect for a flexible reading
  • Achieve high sensitivity with 5 filter sets: LVF Monochromator.
  • Best performance and reliability.
  • Technical support and services.

⭐ 👩‍🔬 “We chose them because of their robustness and reproducible data. They are easy to use, ideal for postdocs and students – Prof. Dr. J. Schymkowitz VIB- KU Leuven.

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DNA Measurement: Choose the best reader for your

We support you to find the best match, either with filters or monochromator, absorbance, fluorescence or multi-mode.

LVis Plate for low-volume samples measurement:

  • Precise measurements with only 2 μL sample.
  • Eliminates background effects with an easy and rapid cleaning procedure.

DNA purity ratio studies:

  • Spectra of potential contaminants (e.g. guanidine, phenol, starch).

  • Simultaneous detection of multiple wavelengths (220-1000 nm) in <1 sec/well

Read here the App note

DNA and RNA Day - Upcoming Symposium

When to use what? Best method to use for your DNA/RNA quantification applicationwebinar

  • 5th November 2024
  • 10 AM
  • Isogen Life Science office, Veldzigt 2a, De Meern - (Online is possible🌐)

I want to attend

dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA Fluorescence Quantification Assay Kits: 10% OFF 

Achieve high sensitivity and linearity (down to 10 pg/µL) with our kits.

  • Save time: Results in seconds
  • Accurate data: High contaminant tolerance.
  • Reagents also compatible with other fluorometers.

Get in touch with us if you would like to receive more information or a quote!

10% OFF

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