NanoDrop Lite Plus

Our Affordable NanoDrop Solution

Affordable, easy, and fast DNA, RNA, and protein quantification

The NanoDrop Lite Plus is the affordable choice for easy, fast, and reliable measurements. Just as the other members of the NanoDrop family, the NanoDrop Lite Plus is a protein, DNA and RNA quantification spectrophotometer, which needs just 1-2 µL. Due to the surface tension, the sample droplet will stay in place. No cuvettes are needed for your research.

Benefits of the NanoDrop Lite Plus

  • Affordable DNA, RNA, and protein quantification
  • High Definition Touchscreen - stand alone system with optional integrated printer
  • 230 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm analysis
  • Stand-alone system and exports your files in .csv to a USB.
  • Up to 1000 samples can be stored on the system itself.  

The NanoDrop Lite Plus effectively measures 230 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm and calculates the corresponding purity ratios (A260/280, A260/230). DNA, RNA, and proteins can be measured up to 30 Abs with concentrations up to 1500 ng/µL for sDNA, 1200 ng/µL for RNA and, 45 mg/mL for BSA.

NanoDrop Lite Plus Spectrophotometer

If you are looking for a full spectra analysis with contaminant detection, the NanoDrop Ultra is ideal for you. For High Throughput research the NanoDrop Eight is perfect, due to the measurement of 8 samples simultaneously.

Additional to the system we are there for you every step on the way, maintenance, reparations, application support or any other questions you might have. To maintain great performance of the system yourself, use the performance check fluid routinely. 

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+31 30 6880771

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Veldzigt 2A
3454 PW De Meern

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