Unraveling Snake Venom Complexity – Unleashing the Power of CE - Rob Haselberg, Division of Bioanalyical Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands (FHI 2021)
Join our AES free webinar to discover direct MS-characterization of protein isoforms and how it enables to perform LC-MS analysis, peptide mapping, and other techniques like SPR of protein isoforms.
Register now for our AES webinar about the new standard of characterizing complex fusion proteins: AESlyte carrier ampholytes (CAs). AESlyte can overcome the challenge of characterizing diverse, complex and fusion proteins. Join us to know why and how.
The Webinar covers breakthrough solutions to the main issues when using imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (iCIEF). Do you want to know how these technologies can accelerate the drug development process? Check the AES webinar about using iCIEF technology for your next-gen biopharma.