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Discover our ultra-fast PCR and Plate readers

Save time and costs with high quality PCR results

  • Save time: 40-60% reduction in time protocol.
  • Save costs: More samples can be processed per machine.
  • Compatible to any assay.
  • Achieve high throughput.
  • Use less energy consumption with only 25 watt on power.
  • Save time: 40-60% reduction in time protocol.
  • Save costs: More samples can be processed per machine.
  • Compatible to any assay.
  • Achieve high throughput.
  • Use less energy consumption with only 25 watt on power.


Click here more for information or contact us

Detect your PCR results quick and easy with our plate readers

Testing for viral infections such as RNA SARS-CoV-2 has been accelerated thanks to fast processes with the NextGenPCR machine and the fluorescent-based readout detection with the FLUOstar Omega.

Read the application

The FLUOstar Omega is applicable in basic research, assay development, screening, protein detection..

  • Achieve higher accuracy due to the built-in injector.
  • Suitable for living cell and bacteria analysis.
  • Reads results in less than one minute.

We offer you the best plate readers for your research and associated support before and after purchase, over a long time period.

Click here for more information about plate readers

The newest NextGenPCR Application

Are you interested on fast genome sequencing?

Discover how to perform rapid targeted genome sequencing for surveillance of viral pathogens such as SARS-SoV-2 and Monkeypox virus.

Click here to watch the webinar



  • Dr. Matthijs Welkers (Medical Microbiologist at Amsterdam UMC).
  • Dr. Ingra Morales Claro (Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Medicine faculty at University of Sao Paulo).

Are you working in other application fields?

We are pleased to discuss and find out together the best solution for your research to speed up or save costs

Customer review

NextGenPCR saving time helps on expediting care to cancer patients

"One of the most time-consuming components of next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation is polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In our assays, time spent in PCR can sometimes equal or exceed all of the remaining steps of library preparation combined.

Consequently, by drastically reducing the time spent amplifying our genomic regions of interest, we can simultaneously shorten our turnaround time, thereby expediting care to Memorial Healthcare System cancer patients and improving their outcomes.

Essentially eliminating temperature ramping times, Molecular Biology Systems NextGenPCR will allow us to significantly improve turnaround time in all of our PCR-based clinical oncology testing assays, most notably our sequencing panels." 

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