NanoDrop QC ideal for analysis of Polymers and Dyes
The new Thermo Scientific NanoDrop QC Software for the Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Ultra Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometer allows scientists to perform chemometric analysis of high absorbance chemical samples in real-time without the need to dilute. The NanoDrop Ultra with QC software is ideal for UV-Vis analysis of Liquid Polymers, Chemicals like lubricants and adhesives or Dyes. Often these chemicals have a high absorption and therefore need dilution. With the NanoDrop QC this dilution step can be eliminated as a droplet of 0.5-2.0 µL can be directly added on the plate. Within 10 seconds a Pass/Fail and other quantitive results are achieved. The pedestal will adjust automatically from 1.0 to 0.03 mm pathlength. Due to this the NanoDrop can quantify up to 550 AU eliminating the need of dilution.
When you use the NanoDrop Ultra with QC software, there will be no need to export your data to experts for chemometric and quality checks. The QC software contains chemometric algorithms for the characterisation of complex structures, which saves you time in data analysis.