A multi-source optical instrument for measuring fluorescence
The NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer has the expand feature of fluorescent analysis. It measures with a small sample size of only 1 µL in less than 10 seconds. The sample can be directly pipetted onto an optical measurement surface. Due to surface tension the microvolume sample stays in place during analysis. Therafter, the pedestal can simply be wiped clean with a lint-free lab wipe.
With the NanoDrop 3300 fluorometer there is no need for a monochromator or the change of filters. Yet, a broad range of excitation will be obtained. Additionally, multiple emission profiles from a single sample are provided by exciting multiple fluorophores simultaneous.
Benefits of the NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer
- Microvolume sample size – 1 µL
- Time saving – measurement time of 2-10 seconds
- Broad wavelength range – UV, Blue and White LED excitation
- Mass detection limit is more than a order of magnitude lower than conventional spectrometers