MARS data analysis
The data analysis is performed with use of the MARS data analysis software. With only a single click, a map of 900 data points per well is created, therefore also ideal for heterogeneous samples. Also, an average per well can be calculated with use of the orbital averaging. Calculations such as enzymatic parameters (Vmax and Km) for Michaelis-Menten or Lineweaver-Burk equations are automatically obtained. Also, EC50, IC50 and r2 values can be determined.
The SPECTROstar Nano also consists of features for handling living cells. The plate-reader contains an incubator, which can go up to 45 oC, ideal for cellular growth assays or protein denaturation. Also, a gas vent for an O2 and/or CO2 flow is available. Furthermore, a multimode shaking device is present varying from linear, orbital, and double orbital shaking. The linear mode is the fastest and most intense, perfect for clumping cells. The double orbital shaking is mildest and therefore best for sensitive cells.