The perfect solution for your PCR
- Master Mixes
- Clean up your PCR without spin columns or magnetic beads!
- qPCR Probes
Master Mixes
- Ready-to-use premixed master mix solutions are perfect for your PCRs!
- Easy, quick and reliable!
Taq DNA Polymerase Master Mix RED
Directly load your PCR product after amplification.
Sequence directly after treatment with either spin columns
or PureIT ExoZAP PCR CleanUp.
- Direct gel loading
- Easy visualization of pipetting
- No need for loading buffer
- Higher reproducibility due to less pipetting steps
Would you like to speed up your PCR protocol?
Click here for more info or contact us for a sample!

RealQ Plus Master Mix
Ready-to-use 2x master mix perfect for your real-time PCR applications.
Available in two variants:
- RealQ Plus Master Mix Green; DNA-binding fluorescent dye detection
- RealQ Plus Master Mix for Probe; probe-based
- real-time PCR based detection
- Compatible with any qPCR instrument due to three different ROX™ reference dye levels
- Setting up reaction at room temperature
- High specificity, reproducibility, efficiency and stability
- High impurity tolerance
High quality, low pricing!
Click here for more information.

The fastest, most cost effective PCR clean up with the highest yield.
This clean up will tackle your remaining obstacles without losing any PCR products.
• One-step PCR clean up
• Fast protocol, only 5 minutes
• No need for spin columns or magnetic beads
• Treatment improves downstream applications such as DNA sequencing and SNP analysis
• Zero loss of PCR products during treatment
Are you a downstream user? Read more online or contact us for a free sample.
qPCR Probes
Are you performing real-time PCRs for SNP, gene expression or mutation detection analyses?
Your results will increase in efficiency, sensitivity and specificity by using our qPCR probes.
• Starting from 10 nmol scale up to 1.0 µmol
• HPLC purification performed on all probes
• Probe lengths between 5 – 40 bases
• Delivered dried or liquid at desired concentration
• Quality control by OD measurements and MALDI-TOF MS
Simply select the right qPCR probe you need for your application..
Contact us for more information on how to order your probes.