New Year, Same Trusted Service
Isogen Life Science BV wishes you a happy New Year, with many breakthroughs in your molecular research.
We also want to take the opportunity for you to get to know us better!
- Kind regards, Martin Donker (CEO)
Together we make Science happen
Your needs and wishes translated into a long-term and reliable customised solution.

In need for a specific application?
- We help you develop!
Everything you need, Isogen Life Science will help to optimise your research, from sample to result.
Our Services
Our expert service team is going the extra mile for you. If it is just a quick installation of your new system, a preventive maintenance, or you need a complete training with all the ins and outs. We help you fast and trustworthy.

Get Green in the Lab!
Reduce, Reuse, Refill and Recycle your plastics in the lab.

Up to 40% less material used in the production, the TipOne tip saves valuable resources.
Reuse, Refill
The Pipette tip boxes are reusable, repeatedly autoclavable, and refillable, also with sterile filter tip refills.
And…we pick up the used plastics and let them be recycled as high-quality Polypropylene.
Even in these difficult times with plastics, we have pipette tips and cell culture consumables ready for shipment.

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