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NEW! NanoDrop Ultra: Absorbance and Fluorescence Detection

Whether you're a NanoDrop user or have never considered one, you won't want to miss this!

Are you a NanoDrop user? Feel safe! The NanoDrop Ultra replaces the NanoDrop One with comparable performance and improvements based on user feedback.

  • DNA/RNA differentiation from mammalian, bacterial and plant sources.
  • Simplify your qPCR Workflow: qPCR Recipe Calculator Software.
  • Reduces lab space usage by 60-70% with a more compact system.

nanodrop ultra new fluorescence and absorbance system for DNA RNA Quantification

Haven't you considered the NanoDrop as part of your workflow yet? Our new NanoDrop Ultra is a perfect fit for the NGS market:

  • Achieve accurate DNA/RNA quantification for any application (qPCR, digital PCR, Sanger, Micro Array, NGS...)
  • dsDNA detection limit: down to 1ng/uL for Abs and 0.1ng/uL for FL measurements.
  • Reduce plastics: Pedestal measurement for both Absorbance and Fluorescence.
  • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance.

We have available in our portfolio a wide range of NanoDrop Ultra systems: Absorbance, and/or Fluorescence detection, with pedestal and/or cuvette etc.

For more information, get in touch with us.

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