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NGS Success with our NanoDrop One


Achieve accurate sequencing results easier and more inexpensive!

Currently, qPCR is the gold standard for quantifying DNA and RNA for sequencing purposes. However, it can be:

  • Expensive
  • Time consuming
  • Lack of purity details.

Discover how our NanoDrop™ One/OneC spectrophotometer provides a sensitive quantification measurement and identifies common nucleic acid contaminants that prevent sequencing success.

Join the webinar on the 26th June 2023

Monday June 26, at 17;00 CEST 

Nanodrop one

Key learning objectives

  • Understand and review the NGS workflow
  • Learn how to set up your sequencing experiments for success
  • Explore the NanoDrop One/OneC Spectrophotometer as an alternative to qPCR quantification

Are you working on one of these roles? Or are you just interesting on innovative alternatives for NGS? Join us!

  • Forensic scientists
  • Genetic scientists
  • Microbiologists
  • Molecular biologists
  • Pharma/biopharma researchers
  • Biomedical researchers
  • Principle investigators
  • Laboratory Technicians/Technologists
  • Agricultural geneticists
  • Scientists interested in improving the success rate of NGS with convenient, accurate, cost-efficient tools
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