Belgian Brain Barrier Symposium 2023
Welcome to out booth at the Belgian Brain Barrier Symposium on the 13th November 2023 in Leuven, Belgium.
This event was born aiming to build up the Blood Brain Barrier Belgian Society. It represents a network to offer national and international young researchers the opportunity to share their work and establish scientific connections in the field of the barriers of the central nervous system (CNS).
The conference includes presentations about the gut-brain axis, adaptive & innate immune system interplay in the diseased brain, immune surveillance at brain borders and body-brain signaling and impact on homeostasis.
Do you want to have a look at the full program and titles presentations? Have a look at the program!
Are you a member of any of these listed universities?
- KU Leuven
- Universiteit Hasselt
- Universiteit Gent/VIB
- Universiteit Antwerpen
- Universite Libre de Bruxelles